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Dr. Sylvia Chan
Dr. Sylvia Chan-Olmsted Highlight - Current Research

Dr. Sylvia Chan-Olmsted is the Director of Media Consumer Research at the University of Florida. Her research expertise includes digital/mobile media consumption, branding, and strategic management in emerging media/ communications industries.

Robert Picard Highlight - Joining MMEE

Professor Robert G. Picard is a senior research fellow at the Reuters Institute at University of Oxford, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and a fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale University Law School. His scholarship focuses on the nexus between economic of media and communications systems and public policy. He is one of the co-founders of the MMEE division.


March 4-5, 2022

The AEJMC Midwinter Conference is an annual forum for the presentation of research and debate in areas relevant to the AEJMC groups sponsoring the event. Papers submitted to the midwinter conference can be resubmitted to AEJMC’s national convention.

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