Meet Our Team

2021-2022 Executive Committee

The mission of this organization shall be to serve its members and AEJMC by researching, publishing and discussing issues related to media management and economics. The organization shall provide forums for research, discussions of professional values, and the development of education in media management and economics. The organization shall engage media industries through its research, public service, and teaching.

miao guo headshot

Division Head

Dr. Miao Guo

University of Connecticut

anthony-palomba headshot

Vice-Head / Program Chair

Anthony Palomba

University of Virginia

todd-holmes headshot

PF&R Committee Chair

Todd Holmes

California State University Northridge

Zhang headshot

Research Committee Chairs

Xiaoqun Zhang

University of North Texas

Allie headshot

Teaching Committee Chair

Allie Kosterich

Fordham University

yousuf headshot


Mohammad Yousuf

University of New Mexico

kim headshot

International Outreach Chair

Dam Hee Kim

University of Arizona

jiyoung-cha headshot

Immediate Past Head / Named Awards Chair

Jiyoung Cha

San Francisco State University